I have a service dog Zeus a Maltese / Duchshund mix 9.5yrs old, that has ruptured 2 disks in his back. He can detect my seizures or chronic blood sugar drops from hypoglycemia up to 1/2 hour before they happen. I got my life back because of him, I can drive, go on walks, go to the store and so much more with him. On Feb. 26th he woke up in severe pain, I rushed him to the Vet. ER they said he had ruptured the disk. He can barely walk even on pain meds. muscle relaxers and steroids. I called all over to find a Surgeon that could help him, there aren’t many doctors that can do what he needs done and their prices are so much more than I can afford on disibility. They are all asking between $4000.00 and $6000.00 to help him. The surgery I was referred to will be $4100.96, so I’m asking for help with the expense of his care. They also told me he needs the surgery asap or he may never regain the use of his legs and he can’t live in the pain he is in now. It is URGENT that he gets the emergency surgery and the doctor is just waiting for me to raise the funds, that’s why I contacting you for help. I will be forever grateful for any assistance you may be able to provide. Thank you and God bless MaryAnn Williams