Update 12/4 Honey’s appointment today at the University could not have turned out better! Her chest x-ray showed no new tumors and her blood work was good. Her oncologist was thrilled with how well she looked. Thank you to everyone that doanted.
In 2008 I was the victim of Bernard Madoff’s ponzi scheme and left destitute. In 2011 I adopted a 4-1/2 year old Brittany Spaniel Honey. Honey had definitely become my therapy girl! This past year she has been given a diagnosis of cancer of the soft tissue. She had successful surgery to remove a large cancerous mass pressing on her esophagus on September 11.2018. This surgery was made possible due to a one time benefactor and a $1000.00 Grant from caninecancerawareness.org . She will need close monitoring going forward i.e. chest x-rays every three months and a ct scan of her abdomen and chest every six months. The costs for this is $2050.00/year. It is living saving treatment for Honey. We have a very special bond and without hesitation have to say she has literally saved my life these past several difficult years. Any financial assistance that we receive will be greatly appreciated.