UPDATE 9/28/17 Harley had a successful surgery and the mass was removed and sent away for biopsy. He is home resting comfortably.
Our Dog Harley is almost 5 yo. He is a puggle and is the most loving, charismatic dog. He is such a huge part of our family and is truly like one of my children. My daughter was diagnosed with ADHD and Harley has become so close to her. He is by her side every time her symptoms flare or she goes into an episode. He knows when she’s upset and he stays by her side to aid her and calm her. He’s truly a loving dog. He began having rectal bleeding a few weeks ago. A visit to his Vet revealed a mass in his colon. We have a vet that will remove the mass and stop the bleeding on September 26th. Harley has been very uncomfortable as this progressively gets worse. I, unfortunately, am in the process of starting a new career and raising 3 children and I do not have the funds to pay for this surgery. Thank you in advance from our family for any and all assistance