I have a 8 year old Chihuahua named Baby that I have had since her birth, and I also have her mother. I never had any problems with my animals until this week. I noticed that my Chihuahua was losing weight and my friend also told me that she had noticed it. So I took to our family vet and they ran some test and blood work on Baby and told me that she has Diabetes and that she need to start insulin, so I took Baby home and picked up the medication to start this process with her in the morning. That morning, I went down stairs and Baby was lifeless not moving , eating or drinking so I call around looking for an animal hospital that was open and found on in Catonsville and took her there. The doctors there told me that her ketones were very high and that she needed to stay over night, I called one of my good friend who gave me her credit card to help. I know I really cant afford this kind of treatment, but I cant just let her die like that, with out trying to do something. She is my family. Any help is much appreciated.