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Toby is doing better already just knowing that he has gotten so much support! His friends, family, and complete strangers have reached out to help us and we are both really thankful. Toby has seen the eye specialist and has very detailed eye drop regime now! We think he is seeing better but we will know more at his recheck next week. The eye specialist has given her recommendation for eye surgery to our local vet so he can give toby the best care possible. Apparently his eye lids need a trim (Ouch). I wanted to share a funny story that totally captures Toby’s playful spirit. When we were at the eye specialist Toby wanted to say hi to all the dogs in the waiting room who were all very nervous already. Toby thought it was social hour and didn’t want to leave the office when we were done with the appointment. I had to carry him out being the stubborn bull dog he is but I think he really just wanted to hang out with his new friends! I can’t say Toby’s snoring has gotten any better but his surgery will help that soon. We hope to keep the fundraising going so Toby can get on with a healthier life!

Tobias Tripp is my one and half year old English Bulldog, and my bestest little friend. I got him as an unexpected birthday present in May 2015 when he was just 8 weeks old. He is the goofiest little guy and spends most of his time sleeping and getting belly rubs. Since the moment I met him we have been inseparable. He has been my pal through the stress of relationship problems, being in graduate school full time, interning and working long hours. He puts a smile on my face whenever I think about him and this is truly a story of my dog “rescuing me”. He helps me through those tough days when I’m exhausted and ready to give up. He quietly sits by my side and is always there with a handshake or a lick on the face to remind me of how lucky I am. I never understood the love people have for their animals until I had my own.  He is MY family and I would do anything for him!

Toby unfortunately has a lot of medical issues that need to be addressed with surgery. His surgery includes nasal reconstruction, eye surgery, and being neutered on top of it all (neuter cost covered by me). Toby posses a serious risk for going under anesthesia because he has difficulty breathing and he has a heart murmur. The veterinarian recommends one surgery to treat all of his issues but it will be expensive and beyond my means ($1,500 – 1,800). Toby was given every diagnosis under the sun and I just want to provide him with the best life he can have.

Toby has plans to become a registered therapy dog to help his mama in her counseling profession too! We are focusing on getting him his surgery and recovering but we want to share his affectionate personality with everyone! We hope we can get him the help he needs because he has lots of love to give.

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